How to Make Friends at An Assisted Living Care Community

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Making the move to an assisted living care community can sometimes be a stressful process. Downsizing or the perception of giving up some independence are a couple of things seniors might worry about. For some seniors, another worry is about making new friends and enjoying their new life. It may seem more challenging to connect and form meaningful relationships once you reach a certain age, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, making friends in an assisted living care community is surprisingly easy. Here are some easy tips to follow or share with a parent considering a retirement community.

Get Involved

The community living environment comes with one huge perk – there’s always someone around. Spend your free time in common areas such as outdoor spaces, lounge rooms, and dining rooms. There are bound to be other people around, and striking up a conversation will be easier. If you want to reach out even more, check the community event calendar and attend parties, classes, and activities that they have available. You’ll begin to see familiar faces all around and, eventually, friendships will blossom! In addition to our events calendar, take a look at the campus amenities offered at New Horizons at Marlborough.

Be Approachable

The people already living in the community are likely just as nervous to approach you as you are to approach them. To bridge the awkwardness, make it known that you’re a friendly face. Smile in the halls, say hello as you’re moving in, and be an inviting person. You’ll be surprised how quickly people catch on and begin to invite you to community events or to join them for dinner. Our online gallery highlights the friendly faces having a great time here at New Horizons at Marlborough.

Keep an Open Mind

When you enter a community living space, you’re bound to see a large variety of people. From different personality types to physical and ethnic differences, everybody in the center will be unique. Try to go into your new life with an open mind, and be prepared to find friendship in the most unexpected places.

Invite an Old Friend

Many seniors invite friends they know from outside the community to come join them at the center after they see how positively it impacts their life. Speak with your old friends about how much you like the center, give them a tour, and explain why you think they would enjoy the living situation. Of course, you shouldn’t wait for an old friend to join you before you begin to have a social life within the community. Instead, make new friends and, when the old friend joins you, you can introduce them to your new inner circle.

New Horizons at Marlborough: Passion, Purpose, Possibilities.

If you are considering New Horizons for yourself or a loved one and have questions, give us a call today! We are happy to answer any and all questions regarding our campus, amenities, and even pricing options.

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